Nainen selätti anoreksian – ottaa nyt ilon irti elämästä

Viihdeuutiset · Annukka Heikkilä

Megan Jayne kärsi pitkään anoreksiasta ja oli kuolla hänen kehoaan näännyttävän sairauden myötä. Tällä hetkellä Jayne on selättänyt syömishäiriönsä ja pelastanut luultavasti monen muunkin naisen elämän julkaisemalla itsevarmoja kuvia normaalipainoisesta kehostaan.

Jaynella oli vääristynyt kuva itsestään jo aloittaessaan esikoulun viisivuotiaana. Jayne painoi anoreksian ollessa pahimmillaan vain noin 27 kiloa. Nainen oli niin vakavasti aliravittu, että lääkärit antoivat hänelle vain viikkoja elinaikaa. Diagnoosi herätti Jaynen, joka on tällä hetkellä positiivisen minäkuvan puolestapuhuja.

22-vuotias Jayne julkaisee Instagram-tilillään iloisia ja itsevarmoja kuvia itsestään ja vartalostaan. Selluliitti tai muutama ylimääräinen lisäkilo eivät naista lannista. Anoreksian selättänyt Jayne juhlii toipumistaan vakavasta sairaudesta ja on antanut toivoa ja motivaatiota varmasti monille muillekin taudista kärsiville.

One day you'll see. The moments of your life that you've missed. The memories that were made to light up your mind with smiles in vivid colour. But instead, they are dull. They were dulled. By a mind that could never truly live in that moment, too consumed by the ever present mirror forcing your reflection to the forefront of your thoughts. You cannot truly live with that mirror, looming over all that you do, and all that you are. One day you'll see, that it was inside you all along – the power to smash the mirror into pieces too small to ever pierce through your self esteem again. One day you'll see, that you could have lived unburdened by lies about your worth residing in your reflection. That you could have laughed with your whole body shaking. That you could have devoured every bite without shame. That you could have lived every moment, for yourself. One day, you will see. And I can't think of a better day than the one you're living right now. ?????

Kuva, jonka Megan ? (@bodyposipanda) julkaisi

So a couple of you mentioned that I hadn't done a #donthatetheshake video lately! YOU KNOW I LOVE #DONTHATETHESHAKE ? For those of you who are new, @donthatetheshake is an AMAZING movement started by @yourstruelymelly designed to glorify all of our wonderful bodies in motion! It's not about being a world class dancer, it's about showing off all of your jiggle and having fun! It's about appreciating what our bodies allow us to do and not worrying if the world isn't ready for this jelly. EVERYONE is invited to do their own videos, and all bodies are welcome to adapt to their abilities, their comfort levels and their music choices (yes, I still love Mika, no shame!) Make sure you check out the @donthatetheshake page for loads of amazing body positive moves! ?????

Video, jonka Megan ? (@bodyposipanda) julkaisi

HERE'S TO UNFLATTERING. To all the pictures we've deleted. To all the ones we've avoided. To all the spotlights we've hidden away from. To all the outfits we've been too worried to wear. To all the moments we've been too scared to embrace. 'That's my bad side' 'The camera angle is all wrong' 'Always dress for your shape, remember to disguise your flaws' 'When I've lost the last 10 pounds, then I can finally be happy' Life is not meant to be lived through the lens of how other people see you. It is for you, and you alone. Stop trading away your memories because you didn't have your makeup on. Stop forfeiting things you love because people say that your body doesn't suit them. Stop hiding in the shadows because you don't think you deserve the light. These pictures were taken 30 minutes apart. One is not a lie. The other is not an embarrassment. They are both me, and I choose to embrace and love them both. So here's to redefining that word, because the only thing that's truly unflattering is a culture that convinces us that any version of ourselves is unacceptable. We are spectacular, in all of our forms. ????? #effyourbeautystandards

Kuva, jonka Megan ? (@bodyposipanda) julkaisi