Prinssi Harry murtui – salametsästäjien silpomat eläimet saivat kyyneliin

Viihdeuutiset · Annika Kela

Krugerin luonnonpuistossa vieraillut Walesin prinssi Harry koki järkytyksen nähdessään salametsästäjien kynsiin jääneitä eläimiä. Eläinrakas prinssi ei onnistunut pidättelemään tunnekuohuaan nähtyään safarilla julmasta silpomisesta kituvia eläimiä.

Eläinten pelastusoperaatio muuttui tunteelliseksi, sillä Harry ei kyennyt pidättelemään kyyneleitään auttaessaan eläimiä. Kensingtonin palatsi on julkaissut prinssi Harrysta koskettavia kuvia Instagramissa. Tiedottajan mukaan kyynelehtiminen ei kuitenkaan vaikuttanut Harryn tehtäviin safarilla, jotka liittyivät loukkaantuneiden eläinten auttamiseen.

Mies kääri hihansa ja auttoi loukkaantuneita sarvikuonoja ja elefantteja parhaansa mukaan. Prinssi Harry rakastaa eläinten auttamista safarilla ja hän vierailee Etelä-Afrikassa useita kertoja vuodessa. Prinssi on myös osallistunut operaatioon, jonka pääämäränä on ollut salametsästäjien kiinniotto.

Prince Harry has released this personal photo taken during his summer visit to southern Africa. Here Prince Harry shares his story behind the photograph… "After a very long day in Kruger National Park, with five rhinos sent to new homes and three elephants freed from their collars – like this sedated female – I decided to take a moment. I know how lucky I am to have these experiences, but hearing stories from people on the ground about how bad the situation really is, upset and frustrated me. How can it be that 30,000 elephants were slaughtered last year alone? None of them had names, so do we not care? And for what? Their tusks? Seeing huge carcasses of rhinos and elephants scattered across Africa, with their horns and tusks missing is a pointless waste of beauty." Photograph © Prince Harry

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Prince Harry has released this personal photo taken during his summer visit to southern Africa. Here Prince Harry shares his story behind the photograph… "By this point many people will have heard of ‘Hope’, a young female black rhino that was brutally wounded by poachers in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. This was the second operation to try to save this animal’s life. Some poachers use a dart gun and tranquilize the animal so as to not have to fire a shot that would be heard. They then hack their face off while the animal is paralysed before running off with the horn. Local communities saw her stumbling through the bush and then alerted the authorities. Thanks to Dr William Fowlds and his team, Hope survived and is making a speedy recovery. I stared into her eyes while operating on her and thought at first that it would have been better and fairer to put her down rather than put her through the pain. Afterwards I was told of another female called Thandi who was in a similar state in 2012. She now has a baby calf called Thembi." Every single rhino matters. If you want to help have a look at: Photograph ©Prince Harry

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Prince Harry has released this personal photo taken during his summer visit to southern Africa. Here Prince Harry shares his story behind the photograph… "I was working with Dr. Mark Jago and Dr. Pete Morkel in Namibia. Some countries are de-horning small populations of rhino to deter poachers from shooting them. It is a short-term solution and surely no substitute for professional and well-trained rangers protecting these highly sought-after animals. De-horning has to be done every two years for it to be effective and can only realistically be done with small populations in open bush. My initial task each time was to monitor the heart rate and oxygen levels and help stabilise them as quickly as possible. My responsibilities then grew to taking blood and tissue samples and the de-horning itself." You can learn more and how to help by visiting: Photograph © Prince Harry

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Prince Harry meets Jasper the dog at Surfers Not Street Children #Durban #RoyalVisitSA

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