Saara Aalto has been selected as The Most Positive Person in Finland

Viihdeuutiset ·

Saara Aalto has been selected by Positiivarit and the Junior Chamber Finland as The Most Positive Person in Finland of 2017. Selection was announced today in Helsinki. The prize was awarded by Kaj Kunnas, who was The Most Positive Person in Finland last year.

The jury was impressed by Saara Aalto’s bright personality, toughness and courage to go his own way toward his dreams. In particular, jury highlighted how Saara Aalto has worked with purpose and long-term work in a challenging field where success is difficult. Aalto has shown a special willpower and imminence in achieving his goals and serves as an example to other Finns how to to seek out their own dreams.

Saara Aalto is a Finnish singer who has created her career for over ten years. For Finns, Aalto became acquainted with the Talent Show. After that, Aalto was also heard for example at the Eurovision Qualifiers, The Voice of Finland and the New Music Competition. Internationally, Aalto’s personality and voice got to her attention last year when she took part in the UK’s X Factor, ranked second in the competition. Aalto has recorded in both Finnish and Chinese, and during his career he has performed prominently in large arenas.

Positiivarit Oy and the Junior Chamber Finland cooperate each year with the Year’s Most Positive Finnish. The purpose of the selection is to emphasize the importance of positivity as a resource in an ever-changing world and to point out that a positive attitude can achieve its goals and overcome adversity. The award has been distributed since 1993. The father of the idea is entrepreneur and lecturer Juhani Töytäri.